This book is a must-read in a time when we need to redouble our commitments to social justice. Catherine Knight Steele helps us understand and celebrate the powerful work that Black feminists do to make the world a better place. ~Safiya Umoja Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
With this accessible volume, Catherine Knight Steele has offered readers a compelling explanation of Black feminist technoculture. Black women have long been at the forefront of technological advances, creation and dialogue; Steele skillfully traces their influence into the present and future. ~Ms. Magazine
winner of the 2022 Association of Internet Research Nancy Baym Book Award and
the 2022 Diamond Anniversary National Communication Association Award
the 2022 Diamond Anniversary National Communication Association Award
w/ Rianna Walcott in Quarterly Journal of Speech
w/ /Alisa Hardy in Rhetoric Society Quarterly
in Women's Studies in Communication
in Feminist Media Studies
w/ Jessica Lu in Information, Communication & Society
in Television and New Media
in Social Media + Society
in The Howard Journal of Communications
in Networked Self: Birth, Death, and Life, Z. Papacharissi (Ed.)
in The Intersectional Internet, S.U. Noble and B. Tynes (Eds.)
in Women of Color Navigating Mentoring Relationships: Critical Examinations, K. E. Tassie & S. M. B. Givens (Eds.)