This book is a must-read in a time when we need to redouble our commitments to social justice. Catherine Knight Steele helps us understand and celebrate the powerful work that Black feminists do to make the world a better place. ~Safiya Umoja Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
With this accessible volume, Catherine Knight Steele has offered readers a compelling explanation of Black feminist technoculture. Black women have long been at the forefront of technological advances, creation and dialogue; Steele skillfully traces their influence into the present and future. ~Ms. Magazine
winner of the 2022 Association of Internet Research Nancy Baym Book Award and
the 2022 Diamond Anniversary National Communication Association Award
the 2022 Diamond Anniversary National Communication Association Award
in Women's Studies in Communication
in Feminist Media Studies
w/ Jessica Lu in Information, Communication & Society
in Television and New Media
in Social Media + Society
in The Howard Journal of Communications
in Networked Self: Birth, Death, and Life, Z. Papacharissi (Ed.)
in The Intersectional Internet, S.U. Noble and B. Tynes (Eds.)
in Women of Color Navigating Mentoring Relationships: Critical Examinations, K. E. Tassie & S. M. B. Givens (Eds.)